No Victorian gentleman would dare leave his house without a three-piece suit or hat. Those of the middle and upper class would wear dressier vests rather than the heavy cotton canvas vests typically see worn by the lower class. Commonly made of wool, cotton, or silk these fancier vests allowed Victorian and Edwardian gentleman to express their individual style.
Vests were tailored in either single- or double-breasted styles and could be worn for both casual and formal events. While solid colors were most common for the Victorian and Edwardian era, many a dandy fellow could be seen sporting bright colors, stripes, plaids or paisleys.
Although antique in style, we guarantee that these timeless fashions feel right at home as part of your modern wardrobe as well!
We are delighted to offer this wide selection of vintage style dress vests, and think you will be delighted in the quality and authenticity of our line. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.
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